Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Never Going to Let You Go (1/14/14)

We’ve got him! He has a family! Life is sweet! 

After much waiting and tons of paperwork, we now are the proud parents of another little boy! I have to give huge credit to my wonderful husband who has successfully filled out every piece of paperwork with precision and full dedication to our son! The paperwork trail didn’t stop back in Texas. It was merely halted for a moment during flight. He has taken care of the business side so I could panic and prepare!

Our group of 3 families met in the hotel lobby at 2pm today (midnight for most of our friends and family). It’s amazing what adoption can do…WE WERE ON TIME! Yep, write that down!  We all gathered on a bus and drove to the civil affairs office about 30 minutes away. Picture it, a bus with children on board and no car seats! I have to laugh because cautious little Joey made sure to at least put his lap belt on without prompting. Safety first! On the way there, our guide explained a little of what to expect…except she forgot (and probably didn’t even know) to mention the sardine can we were about to enter.

Just before we loaded on the bus
You can't even tell how nervous we were.

When we arrived at the civil affairs office, we took the elevator upstairs to a room where millions (ok, maybe an exaggeration…or maybe not) of our closest friends were gathered. There were orphanage nannies, guides, adopting families, several scared adopted children, and so we fit right in. Of the 3 families, we knew we would go one at a time, but we didn’t expect to be first. Holy Cow! It was like being at the DMV, except they didn’t call our number. They called our child’s name…”Hui Cheng Zi”. We stepped up, quickly scrambled to hand our camera to a friend in our group, and proceeded to the middle of the room - the room filled with millions of our closest friends. And there in that moment, a nanny handed our son to us. She just handed him over. Was there crying? YES! Was there some kicking too? Yep! Did we feel like we were wrestling an octopus blind-folded with one arm tied behind our backs? You bet! And it was wonderful! Not that feeling completely helpless to comfort your own child is wonderful. That was the hardest part. But, it sure felt amazing to hold the little guy who brings so much hope and joy to our lives. We were finally able to get our arms around that little guy we had asked God for many times! It seemed like a dream. It happened too fast to really process it.

Daddy holding his little boy for the first time 

Trying to comfort our little one 

Now, this is the moment I had dreamed about for so long. 

Our first family photo together

Picture a sweaty baby strapped in an infant carrier wearing 10 pounds of arctic clothing. I’d be screaming too! We took off a couple layers.  We had gone to the office without jackets yet he arrived seemingly from Alaska.  We walked around the crowded room. I’m certain his screaming prompted a chain reaction from other children. He was very adamant that he was not comfortable with us and desperately wanted to go back with his nanny. In fact, she walked over and tried to hold him at one point. I cringed and held tight to MY baby. Her heart was well-meaning because she loves our little boy. But, he needed to know that he has a family now. Eventually, he wore himself down. He was almost asleep by the time we arrived back at the hotel. While Russ went to buy some necessities, Joey and I spent time in the hotel with Little Brother. The little guy relaxed quite a bit and even showed a smile or two. In the few pictures we have received over the past 6 months, we had yet to see him smile. Ahhhh, it is contagious! In that moment, I took a deep breath and felt God's comfort wrapped tightly around us.

We enjoyed a little take-out tonight. Russ said he was impressed with my ability to eat with chopsticks while holding a child. The real impressive part was that the child lying in my lap was not covered in rice by the time I finished eating! Joey put himself to bed (obviously he was wiped out) and Little Brother is sleeping as I type. Little Brother has been pretty easy to console for the most part. He’s warming up to his Daddy. He hasn’t likely been around many men. He especially likes when Daddy goes to the store and brings back a can of Pringles! That is a sure sign of a great Daddy! He likes the carrier we purchased, which is a good thing since I determined to carry him often to make up for lost cuddle time together. He’s willing to try any new food just like his Big Brother. He’s pretty comfortable with hugs and kisses from us. Over all, I’d say he been very relaxed and easy going, especially given the kind of crazy day he has had. 

Joey couldn't be any more proud of his little brother.
Underneath the layers of clothes, Little Brother was wearing 
the shirt made especially for him by his super talented Su Su.  
Wear it proudly, my son.  You are so very much loved!

Pretty cute, hu?

Being a big brother will wear a guy out!

Every little boy needs to know the comfort 

of falling asleep in his Mommy or Daddy's arms.

And my mom? Well, she is A-Mazing! She has been glued to Joey’s side, right where we need her the most. She hasn’t missed a beat and has quietly taken it all in. At one point, Little Brother went to stand by her for comfort when he was feeling uncertain about us. He knows a good Hoo Hoo when he sees one! 

There have been some difficult and stressful moments of the day, but we would do it all again in a heartbeat! He’s so worth it! God’s blessing is so worth it!


  1. So amazing and awesome! Can't wait for y'all to make it home. What an amazing blessing from God!!! Love y'all!!!

  2. Love this!! So happy for the Webb family!!

  3. Oh Dawn, you are glowing. Tears of happiness for you, Russ & Joey. When things settle down...even months from now, I'd love to get the boys together. Hugs and prayers!

  4. I am so excited for you all! Brought tears to my eyes. He is SO loved. I can't wait to meet him.

  5. Wow! My heart is filled with joy for you guys. His smile peeking behind the curtain? Adorable. I can feel your bliss in the last photo. Perfect. We love you all so much!

  6. So exciting, couldn't hold back the tears this time!
