Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thinking Back

Our first Christmas as a family of 5 (+ 2 furry kids)

The Newest Member of our Crew
Meet Matilda Snowflake.  Lucky for her, she'll never had to learn to write that huge name!  I jokingly refer to her as "my new Molly".  After such a heartbreak of losing Molly (to cancer and old age), Matilda has been a breath of fresh air...a bouncy, biting, needy breath of fresh air!  She's cute!  Also, she eats Christmas ornaments and chews crayons.

Gracie (right) came home just 2 months after Samuel.
Matilda (left) came home 4 months after Stella.

Off to School She Goes
Stella has been longing to attend school for months.  In fact, she has been upset on multiple occasions as we drop Samuel and Joey off.  Not surprising though since she recently moved from a place filled with children and a continuous playtime.  She is in a different class than Samuel, but they will see each other from time to time.  She wore her backpack for an hour before we even left for school.  Stella ran into her class and immediately started playing.  From her teacher's report, she had a great first day.  In fact, I had a great first day of her preschool too!  It'll be good for us both!

Welcome, 2016!
Much to my surprise, all 3 littles made it until midnight...and not a moment later!  We are anxious to see what the Lord continues to do in our family this year.  We've added 2 children and 2 dogs in the past 2 years.  Without adding any new members, surely there's much joy to be had in the next year!

Sticks and Stones
Sticks and stone may break my bones, and falling from a bunk bed ladder will do the trick too!  This little monkey should be as good as new in 5 short weeks. Now, to keep him from climbing and jumping everywhere while his arm heals...

Looking Back to Where We've Been
January marks 2 years home for Samuel and 5 months home for Stella.

January 13, 2014                       August 17, 2015 

Both of these pictures bring a feeling of sadness for very different reasons.   One little one ripped away from all things comfortable and secure, another little one gladly walked away with strangers for lack of bonding with a caregiver, starving for attention.  And now they're home and life is different!

The Webb Siblings

Change is good.  Change is hard.  All three littles have fallen into place as siblings and friends!  No more sadness, no more fears.  Now, just joy and love (and a few punches and squabbles to keep home life interesting)!