Sunday, November 11, 2018

Where's My Gift?

Today is Orphan Sunday...a day we bring recognition to those without parents.  According to the actual definition, it doesn't give an age range.  Anyone can be an orphan. It's not a word designated for those children living in foster care or orphanages.  It's not just those children aging out of foster care with no family of their own.  Literally, anyone can be an orphan.  What does God say about orphans?  

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: 
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and 
to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27

What's really funny is that I started out my thoughts on orphans to highlight how people poured into our adoption journey, how we met special friends on this journey, how others can come along side a family adopting.  It's becoming more and more apparent that my friend Amanda was right when she said that perhaps adoption is about healing our own hearts.  It's about the changes God will make in our own lives if we just walk the road of adoption (in any aspect).  It's not so much about changing the life of an orphan.  That part is expected.  What is unexpected is the the change that comes when we pour into others.  It's the change that comes when we pray for a family waiting to meet their child.  It's the change that comes when we humble ourselves to accept help or prayer from others, sometimes strangers.  Maybe God told us to care for orphan (and the poor and the widows and the lost) because in doing that, He make unexpected changes in our own lives!

Want to see my children who are orphans no more?  We celebrated my birthday today, which makes this day even more special.  God reminds me again of 2 of the greatest gifts he's ever given me.  Make that 3, because He tells us that children are a gift.  All 3 of my kids are a huge gift that the Lord uses to shape my own life.  So, they're like gifts that keep on giving.  

"Children are a gift from the Lord;

    they are a reward from him."

Psalm 127:3

If I want to get technical about gifts, I could talk all day on that concept.  Gifts don't have to be new or expensive or deemed important by someone else.  I have a house full of gifts, including my husband who adores me!  I have 2 more gifts in Texas that weren't here in town last parents.  I got to see both of them on my birthday.  My mom gifted us by eating lunch with us (one of her favorite meals that is quite delicious).  My dad got me a card for my birthday and seemed so proud that even with his Alzheimer's, he was able to get me a card.  Talk about gifts!  Today has been full of gifts.  I've been flooded with hugs, cards (sent snail mail and arrived on time), texts, messages, and so much more.  A friend from elementary school texted to say a whole bunch of really nice things.  I received cookies that were accompanied by some amazing artwork, which included the death star.  Stella wrote me a book (literally a 5 pages card) and performed a Stella-original solo act.  I'll try to forget that she revealed may age in the song! My spiritual parents offered me a comfy seat and lots of love during church this morning. And they're not even finished yet.  I may not be on their monetary payroll, but I'm on their payroll for many others gifts!  I could go on and on!  

I love my momma something fierce!

My kids love their Hoo Hoo so big

Paw Paw is a gift to these kiddos!

He is still amazed with selfies.   Such a fun time with him!

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming 
down from the Father of the heavenly lights, 
who does not change like shifting shadows."
James 1:17

And now, I'm off to dream about the celebration for Veteran's Day tomorrow.  Our veterans are a gift too, and some don't even realize that...  

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