Sunday, October 18, 2015

So This is What 2 Months Home is Like

Over the past month, we've had some special times...

Happy Birthday, Joey!
Joey turned 7 years old!  And since he's all about Minecraft, a Creeper cake was a must!

Big Brother is reading like a champ, spouting off addition problems, conquering spelling tests!  The past 7 years have flown by and this little guy isn't so little anymore.  Conversation with him is usually pretty enlightening and entertaining.  We strive to find some one-on-one time with him too.  Joey is a wonderful big brother, balance sibling irritation and helpfulness.  We are so crazy in love with this big boy!

The same weekend was also Alpaca Farm Days too.  Who knew?  What better way to celebrate that kind of weekend, but to visit a local alpaca farm that's just minutes from our house.  

They are so cute!  I want an alpaca!

Samuel's Adjustment
This little guy had been super excited about his upcoming preschool days until they arrived.  Four weeks into it and he was still in tears.  In an attempt to help Samuel's transition to preschool, a dear friend recommended we start a sticker chart.  Once Samuel has 5 stickers, we have given him the freedom to choose an "adventure".  His first chosen adventure was the Fort Worth Zoo.  Why have an ice cream date when you can talk to the monkeys?

Welcome to the Fort Worth Zoo, Webb kids!  This was Stella's 
first visit to the Fort Worth zoo, which was quite different 
than our visit to the Guangzhou zoo. 

What About Stella?
When she's not pilfering through someone else's things or testing boundaries (that's what boundaries are for after all), she's being a sweetie and striving to please.  Sister lurks around the kitchen when I'm preparing a meal, her little nose sniffing as I plate the food. She quickly let's be know (in Chinese) what food she does not like. I'm sorry, Sister, you will not survive on sausage and bacon alone. Surely Samuel has already explained that fun fact to you. Trust him. He tried. This momma highly encourages exploration of new foods. We're not offering chocolate covered bugs or Brussel sprouts covered with wood chips. It's just all new and different and maybe intimidating, but it's worth a try. You just might like it. Even after discovering how delicious shrimp, pineapple, and lima beans are she remains tight-lipped at the sight of anything new. We'll keep trying. After all, if she's waiting for someone to walk away from the stove top with a steamer basket loaded with dumplings, she'll be waiting awhile. Trust me. I would've definitely noticed such yumminess. 

My little lunch date

We've been rocking her at naps and bedtime. May seem a little strange when talking about an average 4 year old. Some say that reverting to typical toddler activities and behaviors may "reset" the brain. It can be a tad tricky to get those little legs coiled up in the rocking chair, but it has been good. She didn't initially relax and calm. There's more tapping on the chair arm, pushing against the side, and constant rambling than giving into her exhaustion.  It's good for cuddling though!

Stella "Adventure" Webb...that's hew new title!  This girl was Cautious Clara when we first visited the park.  And now?  The spider monkey have evolved.  After all, who can hold back when the Brothers are 20 feet in the air swinging from ropes and dangling from trees?  I've been shocked and amazed...all the while I look on with my palms sweating like a leaky faucet!  

If you're curious about her language as others have asked, we're all still learning.  She talks to us in Chinese daily.  With charades, we're figuring out communication.  I know I will be sad the day that she stops speaking Chinese though.  I love to hear her speak her native language.  We're gradually learning from each other.  The whole family has picked up a few Chinese words.  If I speak to Samuel in Chinese (meaning I use a word or 2), he tells me "I not a sister."  Chinese is not only for girls, silly boy!  Stella is willing to repeat words, letters, numbers.  They may be silly words the boys are rambling, but she repeats.  We still struggle to understand each other, but we try to at least acknowledge each other too.  She is quick to say "ok, Momma, ok".  It's pretty cute!  

Pumpkin Patch Pics

Happy 2 months a Webb girl, Stella!

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