Friday, May 23, 2014

Oh, The Excitement...

Kindergarten, here I come.
I found this in Joey's notebook.
He's just so excited about graduating!

My mind flashes back to just over 6 years ago when we discovered that God was growing a tiny miracle within me.  He had completely surprised us during a time of complete sadness and frustration in the quest to grow our family.  We've watched that tiny miracle learn to walk and talk and talk some more.  Now, fast forward to last Thursday.  That same sweet miracle walked across the stage at his preschool to graduate his last year at Sonshine Academy.  I didn't cry during the ceremony, although I did cry on the drive to the ceremony.  He walked up on that stage alongside little buddies.  And he immediately set out to do what he has done well for years...TALK.  He talked to his friend on the right.  He talked to his friend on the left.  He waved at us!  He mouthed something to us in the crowd.  And then, he proudly waltzed across that stage as his name was called.  We couldn't be more proud and excited for Joey.  I'll admit I've begged him not to graduate.  In fact, the reply I got from him graduation morning was "It's too late.  We're already having graduation today".  Clearly, he was convinced that Kindergarten was inevitable.  We actually had a kindergarten school meeting that same evening.  Joey's favorite part of the school on the tour was...the playground!  Oh, and he liked the stairs and the gym too!

Bugs and Chiggers and Spiders...Oh My!
Our first family camping trip was fun and itchy and memorable!  We loaded up in the 4Runner...or should I say "loaded down".  Once the 80 pound dog managed to scramble across the supplies in the floorboard and over the carseat, we were on our way.  Between the camping gear, 2 adults, 2 children, and 2 dogs (one of which is larger than both of our boys combined), I was convinced the tires would be flat before we ever backed out the driveway.  

If you're counting children, just know that Molly had 
the most uncomfortable seat in the lap.

Poor Samuel was probably so confused.  We took him out of a comfortable, sterile, crowded home in China, brought him all the way to heat-infused Texas, and then moved him out to the wilderness.  Another way we know he recognizes family...he just rolls along, taking cues from the rest of us.  The tent was as exciting as usual.  Samuel didn't find it too difficult to go to sleep in the tent.  In fact, he was pretty comfortable to roll. A. LOT.  It reminded me of the airline announcement "items tend to shift during take off and landing..."  He shifted the whole night long all the while maintaining his deep sleep.  Gracie took advantage of his movement by taking over his portion of the air mattress.  Joey was just tossed about the tent anytime Gracie shifted her position.

The brothers giggled.  The brothers wrestled.  The brothers finally slept.

What in the world are we doing sleeping outside?

The boys entertained themselves with several friends at the campsite.  There was dancing and dirt and a large collection of rolly pollies captured.  The dogs lounged in the dirt.  Everyone seemed to have a great time.  We were exhausted by the time we got home.  The boys napped and Russ and I got all the supplies unpacked.  And then...the itching began.  The chiggers had gotten us - gotten us good, but we didn't know the severity until we were back home.  Let's just say that Benadryl is making a fortune off of our family!  Making memories...

Our camping crew

Just had to throw this in.  Our Samuel is such a hoot now!  His morning and nap time routine has gone from screaming and climbing out of the crib to (just) incessant crying and on to happy chatter.  And now, he just happily lies in his bed until we come to get him up.  Before he even points to his clock and says "green" (even at nap time when the clock does not turn green), he grabs his soft blue blanket made by SuSu and pulls it over his head.  He think it's so funny.  He cracks himself up and that's what makes it so funny.  I'm somewhat convinced that he plays peek-a-boo even before we enter his room!  He's in no hurry to get out of his crib.  In fact, he just enjoys having an audience for his show.  It's cute!

Where's Samuel?


Life is good!  The days may not be perfect, but sweet blessings abound just the same!

The Lord has done great things for us,
    and we are filled with joy.

Psalm 126:3

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