Sunday, February 1, 2015

Samuel Fun Facts

Samuel Fun Facts
What we've learned from/about Samuel over the past year:

* Sleepovers are a must.  No matter what arguments and irritations have lingered throughout the day between the brothers, when it comes to a sleepover with Joey, Samuel is all in.

* Hugs - the whole body kind where the legs wrap around the other person - are necessary, especially first thing in the morning.  

* Asking your daddy to toss you up in the air, is a workout for Daddy.  Obviously the request is only made for Daddy's health.  And when you beg him to toss you multiple times in a row...again, you're only thinking of Daddy's health and exercise regimen.  Yeah, really!  Ps - it's thrilling for you too.

* Bacon, sausage, ham, turkey, hamburgers, hot dogs...are a staple at any and every meal.  And Samuel would be in favor of having all of the above at the same meal.  The boy loves meat!

* When giving a light saber as a gift, the cost of repairs (fallen lamps, cracked picture frames, broken windows) should be factored into the cost of the gift. It's a multi-million dollar gift, folks!

* Going to school with your big brother is a treasured joy.  And because Joey's teacher is truly awesome, there are times when Samuel has been invited to sit on the rug with the big kids to listen to a story.  It's like winning the lottery for this little one!

* If your dog weighs more than 50 lbs, it is a horse.  Saddle up!

* The day is more fulfilling if you take your shirt off, dance around the room, and claim to be the Hulk.  It just is!

* If there's an argument...Star Wars.  If there's a moment of silence...Star Wars.  If you need a giggle...Star Wars.  No matter the situation, it is always appropriate to whisper "Star Wars".

* When it comes to nap time, never yield.  Don't do it.  Eventually, you will pass out and fall over.  It's better to pass out than to give in!

Happy Birthday, Samuel!

Singing to Samuel at his birthday party
He developed a nervous head-scratching distraction.

Birthday breakfast
The little guy is finally soaking in the 
attention that comes with birthdays.

Joey's gift to Samuel
It's a handmade picture that says 
"I Love You, Samuel".  There's nothing more 
precious than gifts like this!

Getting ready to tackle the gifts

Learning coupled with Star Wars is always a win!

Darth Vader

The battle is on!

A random, heart-warming thought...
For just a few short months, we are the proud parents of 2 - 3 year olds and 1 - 6 year old.  Until June, Samuel and Middle Sister will both be 3 years old.  When we see all the learning that's taking place and all the funny antics of Samuel, it only makes us long in anticipation for the day when Sister will be home too.   We are hoping and anxiously waiting for you, precious Sister!  

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